Men's & Women's 
Discipleship Groups

When & Where


 Every other Sunday from 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM or during the week


Meeting Rooms (e.g. Augustine Meeting Room, Calvin Meeting Room, etc.) or members’ homes

Deeper Relationships for Deeper Discipleship

Members disciple each other through our Sunday gatherings and Community Groups, but deeper discipleship requires close relationships that other settings might not provide. Our gender-specific Discipleship Groups for men and women consist of 4-6 people that help one another follow Jesus through mutual accountability, prayer, and study, with approximately a third of the group time dedicated to each. Since commitment precedes closeness, these groups are typically reserved for covenant members of the body. They meet every other week, alternating weeks with Community Groups. The deeper personal discipleship offered in our Discipleship Groups helps fulfill our mission of building up the body at CCC. You can view our Discipleship Groups Meeting Guide below.

Holding One Another Accountable

We have a responsibility for the spiritual well-being of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Each of us also needs accountability to grow and follow Jesus faithfully. In the 18th century, John Wesley co-founded a group at Oxford University that was mockingly called the "holiness club." This group used accountability questions to support each other in their walk with Christ. In a similar way, our Discipleship Groups use a set of questions that members answer during their meetings (see the Group Guide above). Members are encouraged to openly share suggestions with each other and pick one specific, doable step to grow each meeting. This step is followed up on in the next meeting. Members are also encouraged to have a simple personal plan for living out the membership covenant, consisting of 1-3 practical commitments for each Biblical imperative. 

Praying with One Another

Members pray for each other’s growth steps. They also take turns praying with different areas of focus, lifting up prayers for each other, the church, and the world. The Group Guide provides specific prayer topics for each area. Following the “ACTS” acronym—Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication—members are encouraged to spend time before God lifting up more than their requests.

Studying with One Another

Different men’s and women’s groups study subjects tailored to their unique interests, needs, and abilities. For instance, a group of young women might delve into a book on marriage or Biblical womanhood. Resources for these studies are selected with the help of one of the pastors. Discussions focus on applying the material to follow Jesus more faithfully, while providing a chance for members to edify and encourage one another.

Flexible Meeting Times and Locations

We currently offer multiple men’s groups and women’s groups. These groups meet at different times and locations to fit everyone’s schedules. While many groups find it convenient to gather after Sunday lunch in our campus meeting rooms, other groups meet off-site during the week. Some groups also enjoy a meal or refreshments when they gather. New groups are formed when the need arises.

Questions About Discipleship Groups?